Thursday, January 3, 2013

When there is a sale on powder sugar, it's calling your name

So what did I do, I pretty much bought all the bags there where for sale $15.00 pesos omg are you kidding me, normally it costs $45.00 so of course I needed to buy all the 30 kilos of powder sugar there are so I can make my almond fondant recipe that has been tweaked to work for me over the years. I still don't know if it's a recipe I want to share?
Should I share my recipe? There are so many out there, so I still don't know, we shall see.

This was my cart and don't you judge me I did buy alot of cereal boxes, my frenemies lv kids cereals, but that is another post, or not really.

And after an all nighter here I have all the beautiful colors I made, 30 kilos that is about 60 pounds of Fondant.
Have a BERRY sweet day :)

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